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Tailor Made for Tech

You have unique problems, we have focused solutions. 

The typical tech employee with stock compensation has over 15 decisions to make EVERY YEAR related to their compensation and benefits, all of which carry tax implications. We incorporate these decisions into your ongoing financial plan to help you achieve your goals while minimizing taxes.

Questions We Help You Answer:

Concentrated Stock Positions:

How to get from concentrated to diversified in the most tax-efficient manner and over what period of time?

Employee Stock Purchase Plan:

Should I contribute? How much should I contribute? When do I sell? What taxes will I have to pay?


Do I sell immediately? Do I need to hold for longer than a year? Which shares should I sell when I need money? How much taxes will I pay on the sale?)

401k / Mega Roth Planning:

What is a Mega Roth and why have I never heard of it? Can I really contribute up to $66,000 to my 401k? Can I access that money if I need it? How is this treated differently from a normal 401k?


How do I balance the cost of exercising my ISOs vs the risk that my company won't achieve a liquidity event? What happens if I want to leave my employer? What is Alternative Minimum Tax and will I have to pay it? What do I do when my company files for an IPO?

Employer Benefits:

How do I maximize unique benefits such as family planning / fertility solutions, charitable matching and tuition reimbursement?

Set up a time to discuss 

See how we can help take control of your
financial life.

Let’s Get Started