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Let’s Do This.

We provide tax efficient investment solutions tailored to meet your specific goals.

Stock Compensation

Maximize the potential of your RSUs, ISOs, ESPP, and concentrated stock positions

Investment Solutions

In depth investment process to balance cost and expertise across asset classes and account types

Retirement Planning

Establish a confident retirement plan supported by our industry leading software

Education Savings

Understand the various options to establish and grow education funds for you or your loved ones

Big Ticket Purchases

Assess whether you can afford that new house, vacation home, or new car without jeopardizing your long-term goals

Retirement Drawdown Strategies

Tax focused strategy to meet your retirement spending needs using social security, retirement savings, and taxable investment accounts

Estate Planning

Proper planning can ensure your wishes are carried out and financial assets are efficiently transferred to your loved ones

Charitable Giving

Maximize the impact of your contributions using tax efficient gifting strategies

Matthew Pruitt

Your Advisor

Matthew Pruitt, CFP®, CFA

I spent over 10 years helping corporations, hedge funds and institutional investors squeeze every last dollar out of their investments before I finally asked myself: what is most important in life, and what's keeping me from getting there?

So, what's important to me:  spending time with my family, pursuing a career I'm passionate about and running a business that allows me to partner with like-minded individuals. 

My dad passed away at age 58 and I constantly remind myself that life is short, and I better not regret how I live it. I am now lucky enough to say I work in a field that brings me happiness and fosters my personal values.

A perfectionist by nature and self-proclaimed finance/tax nerd, I genuinely love helping individuals simplify their financial lives so they too can focus on what's most important to them.

Fiduciary +

Held to the strict standard of fiduciary duty, we put your financial best interests ahead of our own

Fee Only +

No hidden fees, referral bonuses, or product commissions


Know what you will get before you start working with us